Courses Design for Aalto University
Designed two academic courses for Aalto University. From concept creation, content and lectures design, methodology and principles, partnerships to tutoring and capacity building.
“Design for Extreme Affordability” (2011-2012) - School of Mechanical Engineering
“How to Change the World: Part 2 – partners projects”(2011) - School of Business
Areas of impact: Education, sustainability, extreme affordability, product and service design, innovation, capacity building in new learning environments
Photo by Rahul Abhisek: “Design for Extreme Affordability - Scarcity of Resources" course, School of Mechanical Engineering, EDUAID, low cost lighting solution project in Nepal, 2012
Lecturing, Tutoring and Mentoring of Master level Students
Lecturing, Tutoring and Mentoring of Master level students from various schools (Mechanical Engineering, Technology, Architecture, Business, Arts & Design):
“Talkoot Taxi” project - Sustainable Global Technologies (2014)
“Aalto Global Impact Challenge” course (2012-2013)
“Design for Extreme Affordability” (2011-2012)
“How to Change the World” part 2: sustainable projects (2011)
“Student Business Projects: Burkina Faso” (2010-2011)
“Development Cooperation Projects” (2010)
The evaluation criteria are often based on creativity, applicability, replicability, sustainability and impact.
Areas of impact: Education, capacity building in new learning environments, social entrepreneurship, Sustainability in Finland and abroad
Photo by Anne Badan: Blackboard in Prof Alastair Fuad-Luke's office, Aalto School of Arts, Design & Architecture, Helsinki, Finland, 2013