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Services Intro

Partnerships for Greater Societal Impact.


Services Intro

Partnerships for Greater Societal Impact.

Combining Innovative Thinking, Design Strategy
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Principles

Sustainable Philanthropy


I build sustainable socio-economic development programmes for private individuals and small-medium companies.

These individuals and entities want to contribute to society in a sustainable and strategic way.

Collective Impact &
Innovative CSR Initiatives

I build collective/co-created impact initiatives together with institutions, NGOs, companies, governments and Academia.

I also create innovative Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) models for private companies.


Sustainable Philanthropy

Sustainable philanthropy is more than just writing a cheque to charities.

Sustainable Philanthropy

Sustainable philanthropy is more than just writing a cheque to charities.

Sustainable Philanthropy Deliverables

I design programmes following 5 distinct phases:

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Collective Impact Initiatives

Creating innovative settings to respond to systemic & pressing societal issues.

Collective Impact Initiatives

Creating innovative settings to respond to systemic & pressing societal issues.

Collective Impact Deliverables

I offer various services such as

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Photo by Dmitry Dzema and Anne Badan